γ-Normids (GNO) Meteor Shower


Active: February 25 — March 22
Maximum: March 13 (λsol = 353°)
ZHR = 4
Radiant: α = 239° δ = -50°

vinf = 56 km/s; r = 2.4
TFC: α = 225° δ = -26° and α = 215° δ = -45° (β <>

γ-Normid meteors seem to be similar to the sporadics in appearance, and for most of their activity period, their ZHR is virtually undetectable above this background rate. The peak itself has been reported as quite sharp, with ZHRs of 3 to 4 often noted for only a day or two to either side of the maximum. Activity may vary somewhat at times, with occasional broader, or less obvious, maxima having been noted in the past. Limited data since 1999 have suggested the possibility of a maximum at some, albeit short-lived, stage between λsol ~ 350° — 357°, equivalent to 2008 March 10 — 17, while video information from the same period found the earlier radiant position to be no longer applicable. The details given here are now to be preferred. Post-midnight watching yields best results, when the radiant is rising to a reasonable elevation from southern hemisphere sites (the radiant does not rise for many northern ones). The shower badly needs more regular observation, and March's waxing Moon, at first quarter on March 14, means 2008 would be an excellent year to start. All observing techniques can be employed.

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